CULTURE Fledgeling Eastsiders new to anti-Semitism mistakenly shun "Hasmonites," a Jewish sect extinct for nearly 2000 years .... 17
ROMANCE Eastside women seeking a more considerate grade of stalker are wooing, dumping Mennonite Elders .... 17
ENVIRONMENT Kirkland livens dreary downtown playpark with junkies from sunny St. Tropez .... 17
APPEARANCE Decorating open manholes like festive margaritas: a quick, clean solution to Redmond's short-lived wino scourge .... 17
COMMUNITY There's simply no place for Serb Death Squads in Muslim-free Medina, says neighborhood group .... 17
ROMANCE United Way volunteers helping a blind Issaquah man stalk his ex-girlfriend haven't the heart to tell him she moved to Tucson two years ago .... 17
GIVING A Bellevue high-school girl's monthly fat-removal procedure helps feed a local family of Maori tribespeople .... 17
DESIGN Capitol Hill hopes to increase neighborhood diversity by driving out the last remaining normal people .... 17
FITNESS At last, affordable liposuction thanks to a new county program that sucks away that ugly fat post-mortem if you won't fit in the crematorium oven .... 17
PARENTING Your autistic toddler may be suffering from erectile dysfunction and not be able to tell you coherently .... 17