Espresso Apoplexia 8321 Greenwood Ave N. La Spaz 4262 E. Madison Dick Gob's Cheese 'n Brew 111 Fairview Ave. N. Blue Chunks Cafe 2280 N 45th Jim's Jism Nauseum 1111 Yesler Way Bavarian SchidtHaus Grill 990 Blanchard Mrs. Mammary's 351 2nd Ave. S. Sluts 'n Such 270 1st Ave. S. Pick 'n Poke Singles Clubs Many locations New Pick 'n Poke for Kids 1510 E. Olive Way The Salty Malt Shoppe 351 1st N. The Coma Cabana 1390 1st Ave. Ahoy There Old Sot 2330 5th Ave. Randyman's 601 1st Ave. Caveat Dumpster 2470 1st Ave. Beef, Beans & Boozers 2310 Eastlake E. Pumperknuckles 916 E. Pike Five-Fingered Loser 1551 Olive Way Busyfisters 4702 University Way N.E. Orkin Pest Museum 1581 11th Ave. The Methane Room 2230 1st Ave. The Granny Dump 652 1st Ave. Wheezer 5th and Lenora Julia Child's Pork Palace 5410 Ballard Ave. N.W. The Bunion Room 717 Fairview Ave. N. Kosher Klansman 5454 Ballard Ave. N.W. Tom's Bad Gas Smokehouse 10185 Roosevelt N.E. Measletime 150 University St. That's Just Swill! 5330 Roosevelt Way N.E.

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