Victim of phone sex lines?
Society makes you call. Society will also make you call:
McNutt, Gant, Thrush & Ormsby, 1-900-624-2377

Coprophilia Line. Stable of hot sexy girls. Health Dept. regulations prevent us from slathering them in you-know-what. Mostly you will have to use your imagination. 1-900-390-8778
Please give generously.
We're not asking for your money. We're not even asking for your valuable time. All we need is your child's fax machine number. ACT-UP. 206-727-0753
900#'s blocked? Phone available. The Pecks. 206-470-8300
Enjoy the convenience of phone sex, but got no phone? One of our lovely lasses will bring a pair of phones right to your home. Enjoy hot phone-sex action, phones and all, in your otherwise phoneless home. These are full-function GTE phones, with flash, mute and redial functions. 206-939-0132
Nasty smut calls in your home
Professional gynecologist will forward calls from distraught patients to your voice mail. Descriptions of maladies, body parts, bungled treatments. Dr. J. T. Seales, 206-812-1916
"Should this cucumber have dressing ...
or should it be eaten undressed?"
Heh-heh. Catalog of Queen Anne Thriftway Pick-Up Lines. Thousands of witty ones. Each guaranteed fresh; will easily snap up single. $12.95. QAT Inc., Box 778, Seattle, 98112
Same hot obscene talk, half the price!
Now have that super-sexual descriptive conversation and pay half the regular phone charges. Call and leave your suggestive utterances on our voice mail. Mike Seigel will respond via KVI AM 570, "Hot Talk Radio," or he will be fired. Call! 1-900-390-2244
Like everyone, you've grown tired of going home with singles service losers [see ad, left]. Why not go home with a Queen Anne Thriftway single? These are fresh, quality singles. Some have cosmetic bruising. You'll find them milling about the produce section of your neighborhood Queen Anne Thriftway!
Lusty Lady is pleased to announce we now have Audio-Described Service for the benefit of our vision-impaired voyeurs. Lusty Lady. Now Audio-Described!
Hot Non-Gender-Specific Sex Line 206-727-0753
Sexy, gender-ambiguous persons waiting. You must be, or seem to be, gender-ambiguous. We do not assess the sexual value of a person based on gender. If you make a value-based reference to a gender part your call will be terminated.
NOTICE. Mr. Orr and Mr Kiner: stay out of the produce department. You've been asked before. Next time we contact your wives.
Charge card bills adding up? Sex calls ruining your credit? Call us about the new CitiBank Masturcard. 1-900-441-9877
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